Well, it's been a while since I've written a post. We've been a little bit busy lately which is a nice change. Sports are starting back up where Scott (the husband) works, so from now until next summer we will be busy busy busy with sporting events. Not that I'm complaining; I do love me some sports.
So. Why did I decide to start this blog? Good question because so far I've not written a post about anything related to why I wanted to do this. Scott and I are trying wanting to lose weight. A.lot.of.weight. We have both tried several different weight loss avenues in the past and had some success, but nothing stuck with us. I read many many blogs about people who have or do use Advocare products and have had great results. I've read up on them, and decided that we should look into it more. I found out there is a 24 Day Challenge that helps kick start the weight loss process by doing a 10 day cleanse followed up by a 14 day fueling phase that is supposed to help your body achieve maximum results. There's of course a "diet", but it's not difficult to follow. I don't even want to view it as a diet but instead as a way to introduce us to a healthy eating lifestyle. The Advocare team that we are working with does not allow gluten or dairy for some parts of the challenge. This will probably be the hardest thing we will have to go through...we love our bread and cheese!!! I'm not gonna lie, I will be extremely ecstatic if we successfully complete it and have some sort of good results. 24 days seems like a long time, but I think we can do it. We ordered the challenge products a few weeks ago and will be starting the challenge Sept. 3. Wish us luck success!!!
Our Advocare products ready to go!
One of the main purposes for this blog is to be able to document our progress to keep ourselves accountable and to be able to share our progress and results with friends and family. We will be taking our measurements and weighing ourselves before we start and will only do so two other times during the challenge: after the 10 day cleanse and at the end. I think right now neither one of us are confident enough to share our weight with the world, but we will take pictures of the "before" and "after" to share with y'all. I will also share what some of our meals look like as well as some recipes for the really good stuff we come up with. Last but not least, we will be getting into a workout routine instead of the sporadic workouts we are doing right now. I will share what we do for our workouts and any progress we have with those. We are going to be doing the CouchTo5k app 3 days a week and going to the gym twice a week for weight training...before Scott goes to work. Help me!!! Carolina (our dog) and I decided to go out today in the 90 degree Alabama heat and repeat (for the third time) the first CouchTo5k workout. It.was.hard. I don't know if it's the heat, my lack of being in shape, or feeling like I'm getting a full body workout due to having my crazy dog on a leash, but it was hard to get through the full 30 minutes.
Left top & bottom: Pre CouchTo5k
Top right, bottom middle & bottom right: Post CouchTo5k #noshame #sweatglare
Moving on.
I'm the type of person that has to have physical motivators to get things done. For example, seeing the numbers dropping on the scale, checking everything off of a to do list, Pinterest inspirational quotes, or buying a pair of shorts that I can't wear yet and hanging them up as a reminder of why I'm doing this. I remember when I first started dating Scott (almost 5 years ago WHAT?!?) I bought myself some athletic shorts. They weren't that cute but were the only ones that fit. This is the time the Nike Tempo type shorts first came out, and I so badly wanted a pair of those. At the time my butt was just a little too big for them. Now my butt is way too big for them. Therefore, I will be using those too small shorts as one of my main motivators during this challenge and weight loss process.
My motivation.
Happy Hump Day!
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